Society For Technology & Development
a Non Government Organization

Annual Progress Report 2022-23

Annual Progress Report 2021-22

Annual Progress Report 2020-21

Condolence Resolution

Two minutes of silence was observed at the beginning of the Annual General Body (AGB) meeting to pay homage to Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, Scientist ‘E’,DST, who passed away on April 21, 2021 due to COVID - 19.

2. Activities/ follow up action since the last meeting :

2.1. As part of R&D initiative through DST the preventive products being prepared by Banglore based organization to fight against COVID, our organization distributed 10 incubation / safety key – zeta in Ner chowk Medical College, Civil Hospital Sunder Nagar on June 1, 2020 and on June 24 at PHC Nagwain (4+4+2) safety key 2000 ( STD, MSJVS, SFD +CHC Nagwain and PHC Kanaid )

2.2. Online interaction programme on ground water scenario and management plan of Mandi district by Central ground water board, NHR D/Shala in which 50 people participated on line from Balh block.

2.3. GMW – SCP through online video conference on traditional craft of Chamba was held on 28th August, 2020. The progress report was presented and expert members advised to have product diversification linkages with NIFT craft institute, Kangra.

2.4. The organization participated in seminar on disaster management through online being organized by DDMA, on September 29, 2020.

2.5. The organization participated in DST webinar on Agriculture on 15-16 October, 2020, on post harvesting technology on 21 October 2020, on social infrastructure on 26-27 November, 2020.

2.6. The organization participated in SMSME and Economics cluster webinar from November 5-6, 2020 being organized by DST

2.7. Our organization attended the AIPSN EC meeting was held on November 17, 2020 in which National Policy on Education and livelihood issues were and the organization was given the responsibility to work on livelihood.

2.8. A workshop on design development on traditional craft of Chamba was held from 3-5 December, 2020 at Malori in collaboration with National Institute of Fashion Design, Kangra HP.

2.9. The organization participated in on line webinar was attended on India International Science Festival being organized by DST on December 23-24.

2.10. On behalf of organization participated in AIPSN EC online meeting was held on January 24, 2021 followed by General Council meeting on 7th Feb, 2021.

2.11. Training programme was organized at Malori to train local craftsmen about the design development of traditional Chamba craft from February 25 to 27 Mr Rana, master trainer from National Institute of Fashion Design Kangra conducted the training and Society president DP gave away the training certificates to the participants

2.12.The organization participated in online Webinar on Showcasing Technologies evolved under TIME-LEARN programme and presented the PPT on River Ropeway Technology project was held on March 8-9, 2021. The expert committee members asked to complete the remaining work at the earliest.

2.13. A farmer’s meet was organized at Bhadyal on March 30, 2021 under YSP – Cherry rootstock project to popularize and replicate the root stock.

2.14. Dr Premi, DDM, NABARD visited Nagwain field station on April 2, 2021 to discuss the Rural Technology project especially through Rural Innovation Fund .

2.15. On April ,21, 2021 Dr Sunil Aggarwal passed away and on April ,29, Dr Sunil Memorial lecture was organized through online by DST, which was attended by STD staff.

2.16. On May 7, 2021 review meeting with IHBT on Chamba project was held virtually to review the work being done by the organization.

2.17. The organization participated in Webinar being organized by DST-Core on post COVID plan on May 27, 2021 .

2.18. The organization participated in Dr Amit Sen Gupta memorial online meet, which was held on June 5, 2021.

2.19. A Programme Advisory and Monitoring Committee (PAMC) meeting on Schedule Cast Sub Plan (SCSP) was held on July 26, 2021. The final progress was presented on Traditional Craft Chamba activities during the last 3 years.

2.20. The organization participated in National Scientific Temper Day webinar in which PSM group from HP participated through online on August 20, 2021.

2.21. The online project was submitted on “Establishment of Community Covid Resilience Centre (CCRRC) to DST for Nagwain field area on September 14, 2021.

On Going Projects :

3.1 Core Support :
The organization have established 2 Common Facility Centers, 1st one is in village-Parwai, Block-Bhatiyat, Distt.- Chamba H.P, for distillation and processing of Wild marigold oil and Value added products from Rhododendron with work shed of 600 sqft having Distillation unit (250 Cap. ) with equipment such as Screw type Juice extractor, Storage and mixing Tanks ,Gas furnace and Balance for 8 direct beneficiaries and 40 indirect beneficiaries. The organization has fabricated 5 Poly-tunnels to raise nursery of Rosemary and Lavender among 5 direct beneficiaries. 2nd Common Facility Centre has been established in village Pichalagramang, Block Kullu Distt. Kullu H.P for Preparation of traditional fermented beverage having work shed of 400 sqft with desired Equipment's such as Fermentation Tank, Filter press, Crown corking machine, Gas furnace, Weighing balance which has been used by 8 direct Beneficiaries of the villages.

Annual Report 2020-21

1. Agro-technology and Distillation of wild marigold oil :
The Training and Trial Demonstration has been imparted with further Cultivated in 5 hectares of land, involving 25 farmers. Distilled about 18 kg of oil and sold at Rs. 12000/kg. Propagation & supply of quality planting material of Lavender & Rosemary Hands on trainings to farmers. Raised 34000 cuttings in 5 poly-tunnels. Sold 7000 no's at Rs. 7/- to IHBT,Palampur.

Annual Report 2020-21

2. Development of nutraceutical/ functional foods :
Standardized 2 variants of biscuits based on Amaranthus and Broccoli/spinach. Analyzed at CFTRI and found to very rich in Ca, K P, Fe, & Vit. C. as compared to control sample.

Annual Report 2020-21

3. Value added products from Rhodo-dendron flowers and Establishment of Common Facility Centre :
The Training and trial Demonstration has been carried out in processing, packing and labelling of products 20 farmers trained in process Initially produced and sold about 800-1000 bottles of squash locally. FSSAI license under process.

Annual Report 2020-21

4. Herbal Toilet Soaps based on wild apricot oil using natural aromatics :
The Standardization of Recipe and process and analysis at IRTC-PPC, Kerala and Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi. 3 women SHGs and 1 Kisan Club making and selling soaps at local level.

Annual Report 2020-21

5. Technology improvement and scientific validation of traditional fermented Beverages :
The Trials to standardize the traditional process under process. Analysis for desired parameters to be done at ISM-Research Institute, Joginder Nagar, H.P.

Annual Report 2020-21

6. Design & fabrication of emulsion making unit (EMU) for making moisturizers :
The Design and Fabrication has been done at GAK engineers Mohali. 25 kg capacity (SS 304) made EMU with variable duty. Equipment to make emulsions for making moisturizers at community level.

Annual Report 2020-21

7. Efforts to combat COVID‐19 :
The organization have trained the Women 15 women SHGS (60 women) in 2/3 layer reusable cotton masks. About 10000 masks were made by these women and distributed among community. The organization also Trained FARMERS group in low cost alcohol based hand sanitizer using Artemisia/ Aloe vera extracts. Prepared Sanitizers and distributed to about 250 beneficiaries.

Publications : The following booklets have been prepared.

1. Fortification of Amaranthus biscuits with broccoli.
2. Fortification of Amaranthus biscuits with Spinach
3. Herbal toilet soaps based on wild apricot oil and aloe vera using natural aromatics.

3.2 River Rope Way :

Annual Report 2020-21

The prototype trial demonstration of 2 different models has been carried out and vetting for the model is awaited from IIT Roorkee.
The Progress report was presented during the Webinar held on 8-9 March/21. The final audited Statement of Expenditure has also been submitted to DST.

3.3 Traditional Chamba craft Chamba :

Annual Report 2020-21

S&T intervention in traditional craft of Chamba has been completed and the final progress report along with audited Statement of Expenditure already submitted and PPT presentation was made during on line Group Monitoring Workshop held on 27th July, 2021. It is proposed to have linkages with ongoing vegetable units and to replicate the same in Kullu area. It is proposed to reorganize the artisans group.

3.4 Standardization of protocols for in vitro micropropagation of Cherry rootstocks :

Annual Report 2020-21

The organization has made the standardization of media for initiation of in vitro cultures and in vitro cultures of Gisela have been established. Effect of growth regulators on in vitro multiplication of Cherry rootstocks was made and further multiplication media has standardized Evaluation of different types and concentrations of growth regulators on in vitro rooting of Cherry rootstocks. The Rooting media has been standardized Studies of platelets under poly house conditions. The plantlets have been hardened and distributed among farmers in 3 locations. The final progress report of the project along with the audit report has been submitted with Statement of Expenditure. The final Group Monitoring Workshop has been completed and progress made under YSP has already been presented. The existing lab at Bhadyal has been given on lease to Dr Shilpa Sharma for 15 years @ Rs 2000 with inclusion of staff.

4. Project submitted and in pipeline :

4.1 CCRRC (Post COVID resilience) :
The project has been submitted on “Establishment of Community Covid Resilience Center (CCRRC) to DST for Nagwain field area on September 14, 2021 through online submission.

4.2 Natural cosmetics Products :
The project has been submitted in Up-scaling of production & marketing of natural cosmetic products for sustainable livelihood in Nagwain area of Distt. Mandi (H.P.) through RuTAG, Roorkee and still awaited.

4.3. SFURTI Cluster in food processing through DST :
The project objective was to use local resources, appropriate value addition technologies/processes with farmers groups and further build capacity and enhance the production systems, processes and introduce appropriate technologies with quality control and Value addition of Culled and fresh fruits their Harvesting, Grading, processing and packaging with Marketing linkages and branding.

4.4 Science Technology Innovation Hub :
The present proposal aimed at welfare of SC/ST Population using Science and Technology inputs/processes in diversification of agriculture and traditional craft with focus development of novel/innovative technologies for the benefit of SC/ST communities with Adaptive R&D and field demonstration/extension oriented activities in 5 panchayats of Kanaid area of Sunder Nagar, Distt- Mandi HP.

4.5 Training on solar technology :
The Shramik Bharti in collaboration with TERI a short duration 30 days training programme on solar technology for 30 participants has been planned but it could not be materialized due to Covid-19.

4.6 Project on Medicinal plants :
The project proposal on Alternative Livelihood Generation through Cultivation of Medicinal plants in Kullu and Mandi district of (H.P.). “Himalayan Bio resources Mission '' to DBT, New Delhi.

New Proposal :

5.1 Rural Innovation Fund (NABARD) :
The project proposal on Standardization of protocol for extraction and usage of natural dye from pomegranate flowers to improve the socio-economic conditions of farmers and wool craft artisans in lower areas of Kullu valley submitted to NABARD for its consideration. It is being proposed that the Watershed plan for 5 panchayats of Sunder Nagar area to be submitted in near future to NABARD and all relevant information to be collected for the same.

Copyright Society for Technology & Development 2021.